Every aspect of Millennium Park has been designed to be fully accessible to all patrons. Service animals are permitted thoughout the Park. To request reasonable accommodation in order to fully participate in a DCASE-sponsored event at Millennium Park or to ask a question, please contact dcase@cityofchicago.org. 72 hours advance of the event date is required, 2 weeks is recommended.

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All areas of Millennium Park can be accessed by wheelchair.
- The Crown Fountain was designed without edges or deep water areas so a wheelchair can easily enter the fountain area and participate with full inclusion.
- Wheelchair seating spaces are available throughout the Seating Bowl. Additionally, some aisle seats have movable armrests, to allow for easy transferring onto the seat from a wheelchair, and to assist patrons using walkers or canes. Wheelchair seats are available in both the free seating area and the membership reserved seating area.
- Wheelchair accessible restroom facilities are located on the east and west side of the Jay Pritzker Pavilion. Additional accessible restrooms are also located in the McCormick Tribune Plaza adjacent to the Park Grill on Michigan Ave.
- Events are wheelchair accessible, but please be aware that this is a large venue with varied distances between stages. Also, events are situated in a park, therefore, if it should rain, there will be mud in some places.
- Accessible concession windows are available at all vending locations in the park.
- Courtesy wheelchairs are available before events at the Millennium Park Welcome Center (201 E. Randolph Street) and should be returned to any usher or security guard at the end of the concert. Please note: Millennium Park staff is not available to push wheelchairs. There are not limitations to where wheelchairs may go in Millennium Park.
- Accessible parking is available in Millennium Garages (5 S. Columbus Drive)
Deaf and Hard of Hearing
- Assistive Listening Devices available for the hard of hearing before and during events at the Patron Services Center, located on the upper walkway along the west side of the Jay Pritizker Pavilion. They should be returned to any usher at the end of the event.
- Scripts of the Millennium Park audio tour are available in the Millennium Park Welcome Center for those who are deaf and hard of hearing.
- We endeavor to have an American Sign Language interpreter at all City of Chicago Department of Cultural Affairs and Special Events mainstage programs that take place in Millennium Park. If you would like to request interpretation for areas other than the mainstage please email dcase@cityofchicago.org at least 1 week before the event you are planning to attend.
- All City of Chicago Department of Cultural Affairs and Special Events film programs that take place in Millennium Park are captioned.
- If you need a seat near the Main Stage because of needing to see the ASL interpreter please ask for a Front of House staff member’s assistance
Blind and Low Vision
- Large print copies of the Grant Park Music Festival program book are available at the Patron Services Center, located on the upper walkway along the west side of the Jay Pritzker Pavilion.
- If you need a seat near the Main Stage because of low vision please ask for a Front of House staff member’s assistance.
- We can send you a digital version of our printed material upon request if you email dcase@cityofchicago.org.
Paratransit and personal drivers can drop you off at 201 E. Randolph, which is East of the corner of Randolph and Michigan. There is an event entrance with a security check point along the walkway West of the Jay Pritzker Pavilion just off this drop of point.
Sensory Friendly Location
If a patron needs to step away from the crowds or concert for a while, we recommend visiting the Lurie Garden just south of the Jay Pritzker Pavilion, behind the shoulder hedge. Some of the performance may still be heard from that location.